Thursday, October 8, 2009

Things that The Eldridge's can't live without.

1. Water. Arizona has really bad water (makes sense since it's a desert) so you have to have filtered water here. There is too much calcium in the water and it's really hard. So weekly we take a trip to the grocery store and fill up our 10 gallon jugs.

2. Vitamin Waters. But we cheat and get the Kirkland Signature VitaRain waters. We actually like them better than the real Vitamin Waters and they have no calories and are only .49 per drink at Costco.

3. Vegetables. We love our vegetables. Every grocery trip we stalk up on the basics broccoli, carrots, celery, and lettuce. Casey's favorite snack is veggie dip and fresh cut veggies. I love it too because I eat a lot of salads.

4. Probiotics. Apparently I had way too many anti-biotics or something when I was younger b/c I can't miss a day without taking these. I LOVE THEM for many reasons. I have NEVER gotten sick since being on them. No cold. No allergies. Nothing. I take them in the form of GoodBelly or Both a little pricey, but TOTALLY WORTH EVERY PENNY.

5. Our Apple labtop. We love it and couldn't survive without it. I have had it for 3/4 years now and have never had any problems with it. Zero.

6. IPOD. We really like listening to podcasts or books on tape. Casey is currently reading Arguing With Idiots with Glenn Beck. He can listen to it while working and making his day faster. I like listening to Mark Driscoll, Beth Moore, and Francis Chan.

7. The envelope system. We do really well with our budget. The envelope system works really well for us. It makes us communicate and make good decisions.

8. Redbox. We usually try to find a code online so we get free rentals.

9. Waiting. We have learned that we talk about things that we need and wait, God always provides a way. For instance, Casey needed new shoes and of course, he wanted Pumas but they are pretty pricey and it wasn't a necessity. But we just waited and eventually came upon a $30.00 pair on sale that he absolutely loves. Another example, Casey and I have recently been talking about getting a hand gun for safety. Of course, another expensive item. A few weeks later, one of the residents at the complex we live and work at, left his apartment abandoned with a bunch of stuff in it INCLUDING a perfect hand gun for our situation that we got to purchase for $125.00. I washed one of our cell phones and ruined it. So we needed a new one but we didn't want to have to extend our contract. We tried de-Sprinting one of our extra phones but it wouldn't work. We went home in July to St. Louis and my parents had saved a bunch of old cell phones which all worked. It just been interesting and we have learned to not make rash decisions and God has provided.


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